Visiting Iran in 2012

In February and March 2012, Steve LaValle gave seminars at all of the top 5 universites in Iran (Sharif, Amirkabir, U. Tehran, Isfahan U. or Technology, U. of Shiraz) and delivered a short course on sensing and filtering at Amirkabir University of Technology in Tehran. He sincerely thanks all of the students and professors for their kind hospitality, excellent organization, and exciting cultural adventures.

Here are some pictures.

My hosts at Shiraz University, shortly after my presentation there.

After my talk in Shiraz, they took me to the amazing, ancient city of Persepolis.

An incredible Persian feast with the professors from Isfahan University of Technology. Professor Frank van der Stappen from Utrecht is also pictured.

Everywhere I went, their leaders seemed to smile down on me, including a parking lot at Isfahan University of Technology.

At Amirkabir University of Technology, the students organized a tournament around the game Quoridor, which surprisingly requires motion planning skills.

Professor Hadi Moradi and an Iranian humanoid robot, built at the University of Tehran.

Visiting the group of Professor Ghodsi at Sharif University and eating halim--good stuff!

Taken at a Star Burger in Tehran. Iranians seem to love fast food. Seth and Howie: I dare you to meet there for burgers!

Up high in the snowy mountains behind Tehran, which can be seen in the distance.

A farewell photo from the research group of Professor Ali Mohades at Amirkabir University of Technology, which hosted the Winter School.